Saturday, March 3, 2012

Guess who's back on Tumblr...

Yeah, what a hypocrite right?  I definitely bashed it on my first post here.  But I mean, I've become pretty busy in the last few weeks (thank goodness) and I just wanted something easier for me to do my personal blogging on (and I missed the pretty pictures, not gonna lie).

If you wanna see it, here it

I got an internship at this online fashion blog, about 3 week ago.  I know, finally doing big things!  Getting my writing out there, another bullet on my resume.  Sweet right?

And my music blog is doing extremely well.  I've learned a lot (and still am) about the professional side to blogging and editing.  It's pretty cool how this stuff works.  Make sure you check it out and give me some feedback:

As you can see, "The Return of The Cool" is a new line for me, it really relates to music, nothing else.  Recently I've seen a lot of good artists come out and I think that title does my thoughts justice- and I got it from Lupe (;

For the past two months and for the next few I'm taking a break from everything and focusing on me.  For the third time in the last 2 years I've "gone natural" again, so we'll see how that pans out.  I just got a new job on top of the internship too, another reason I'll be busy.   For the past half a year and a few months I've been extremely out of whack and haven't been myself, so hopefully this little hiatus will get me back better than I was.

But yeah, running a music blog, interning for another one, and having to keep up with this one was proving to be a little too much.  So...this may be deleted soon.  Find me and my writing on the sites above, and many more (hopefully, God-willing) in the future.  I'm just beginning.


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

This just completely baffles me...

Somewhere out there, someone has it worse off than you...

Population control has women in India and China killing their daughters...

Complete and utter bullshit.

My heart hurt when the woman at the end killed eight of her daughters by strangling them as soon as they were born, simply because THEY WEREN'T BOYS.


And sadly, there are 200,000,000 who may have suffered similar deaths because of this policy.  Some families are only allowed to have one to two children, and have to abandon, abort, or kill the rest.

People in these two countries can be fined and denied bonuses at their workplace if they have more children.

This just makes me realize that us in the United States have it extremely easy.  Other countries have to deal with things like this, genocide, and hunger.  Yeah there are people in our country who deal with the same thing, but these places are in dire need of help.

Just like they said, this is Gender-cide.  And if we can't do anything about it, I at least want people to be informed...

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

New Music Blog

Return of the Cool
Return of the Cool
Return of the Cool
Return of the Cool
Return of the Cool
Return of the Cool
Return of the Cool
Return of the Cool
Return of the Cool
Return of the Cool
Return of the Cool

Check it out, Return of the Cool will be my new music blog site, so no more music on this one.  I might delete this one, might not.  If I don't this will be my personal blog.

Editor's Note: ...Yeah I probably won't delete it, just gotta work on it a bit.