now playing: Cudi's first mixtape, A Kid Named Cudi. Forgot why I loved this dude. He snapped on this. Wrote one of my essays to get into UGA about "Man on the Moon." (currently on repeat as I write this)
Moving into my first apartment tomorrow. Could speak more on this but I can't really get all my thoughts together. Pretty excited though, lowkey nervous. First time really on my own, working and supporting myself, yeah I've done it before, but just working and no school? (At least for the summer)
Guess this means I'm growing up.
This little girl who roamed the streets of Queens is movin' on up. Always thought my first apartment would be in the city I lived in for 16 years, but things change, and with that new, (and possibly/hopefully) greater opportunities. Gonna be living off microwaveable foods and Ramen noodles for a little more than a long time, but I'm ready for it. Not sure if I'll have internet for the first few weeks so this lil space of mines might be dead for quite a while, but bear with me.
Peace Outtt. *50 Tyson voice*