Saturday, May 14, 2011

Sweet Tooth: Dulce Candy

If you don't already know (and I really do not understand why), Dulce Candy is one great fashion blog.
She dresses so cute! Once an Army girl, she went back to L.A. to pursue her fashion designer dreams.  Her makeup, hair and clothes are DOPE all the time.  That takes effort.
I've been following her blog for almost TWO YEARS and still anticipate when she'll post something new.  I envy her closet, she shows you something new in just about every post. A lot of people look at her Youtube makeup and hair tutorials but I'm more interested in her style (not a big makeup and hair person at the moment- Chapstick and a wash and set thank you, ha!). This past year she and her husband even gave birth to their first child, Izek, and she showed off fashionable maternity looks (I feel like I know her family semi-personally, lol.)
*Salute a bad chick when you see one.*

1 comment:

  1. she is the best fashion blogger ever. Her style is so on point and her closet is amazing..(okay im a little too excited) but I lover her page and channel..btw, I just started a blog myself. Its more of an inspirational blog so check it out when you get the time!
